Lectures and Panels

PechaKucha Night Bratislava Vol. 40 Čo ďalej?
Bratislavská PechaKucha Night oslavuje 40. vydanie a zároveň otvára už 10. sezónu. Ako vôbec prvá PechaKucha na Slovensku vznikla v Bratislave presne pred desiatimi rokmi. Okrúhle výročie dramaturgicky chápe ako príležitosť položiť si jednu z najťažších otázok – čo ďalej?

PechaKucha Night Bratislava Vol. 40 Čo ďalej?
Bratislavská PechaKucha Night oslavuje 40. vydanie a zároveň otvára už 10. sezónu. Ako vôbec prvá PechaKucha na Slovensku vznikla v Bratislave presne pred desiatimi rokmi. Okrúhle výročie dramaturgicky chápe ako príležitosť položiť si jednu z najťažších otázok – čo ďalej?

SERIÁL Současný Izrael očima svých umělců
Izraelské galerie jako prostor pro dialog Umělkyně Tamara Moyzes vám prostřednictvím projektu iránské umělkyně vyvětlí problematiku spolupráce mezi umělci ze znepřátelených zemí a rovněž se dozvíte, jak se místní nezávislé galerie dostávají do konfliktu s oficiální státní doktrínou kvůli svým

SERIÁL Současný Izrael očima svých umělců
Izraelské galerie jako prostor pro dialog Umělkyně Tamara Moyzes vám prostřednictvím projektu iránské umělkyně vyvětlí problematiku spolupráce mezi umělci ze znepřátelených zemí a rovněž se dozvíte, jak se místní nezávislé galerie dostávají do konfliktu s oficiální státní doktrínou kvůli svým

ARTIVISM & ARTPOPULI public lecture in Trafó Gallery
ARTIVISM & ARTPOPULI public lecture by Tamara Moyzes Place: Trafó Café Time: 11th April 2014, Friday 6 pm. The presentation will be in English. The program is free, all are welcome! “ARTIVISM” A presentation of Tamara Moyzes’ last projects

ARTIVISM & ARTPOPULI public lecture in Trafó Gallery
ARTIVISM & ARTPOPULI public lecture by Tamara Moyzes Place: Trafó Café Time: 11th April 2014, Friday 6 pm. The presentation will be in English. The program is free, all are welcome! “ARTIVISM” A presentation of Tamara Moyzes’ last projects

lecture “ARTIVISM” & “ARTPOPULI” at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Tamara Moyzes lecture “ARTIVISM” & “ARTPOPULI” at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts March 26, 10.00 “ARTIVISM” A presentation of Tamara Moyzes’ last projects (Artivism) related to activism and happenings. Moyzes will present her strategies concerning her actions in public space

lecture “ARTIVISM” & “ARTPOPULI” at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts
Tamara Moyzes lecture “ARTIVISM” & “ARTPOPULI” at the Hungarian Academy of Fine Arts March 26, 10.00 “ARTIVISM” A presentation of Tamara Moyzes’ last projects (Artivism) related to activism and happenings. Moyzes will present her strategies concerning her actions in public space

PARTICIPATION is possible for anyone wishing to join online or in person. Please send your e-mail to PERPETUALMOBILE @ GMAIL.COM, so we can add you to our list and Loomio group. The OPEN CALL will remain open for the duration

PARTICIPATION is possible for anyone wishing to join online or in person. Please send your e-mail to PERPETUALMOBILE @ GMAIL.COM, so we can add you to our list and Loomio group. The OPEN CALL will remain open for the duration

Presentation of Israeli / Tunisian artist Rafram Chaddad in Prague
Presentation in 16th of October at 7pm of Israeli / Tunisian artist Rafram CHaddad at http://www.tranzitdisplay.cz/ Rafram Chaddad was born in 1976 in the island of Djerba (Tunisia) to a Jewish family. he grew up in Israel and since 2004 he is

Presentation of Israeli / Tunisian artist Rafram Chaddad in Prague
Presentation in 16th of October at 7pm of Israeli / Tunisian artist Rafram CHaddad at http://www.tranzitdisplay.cz/ Rafram Chaddad was born in 1976 in the island of Djerba (Tunisia) to a Jewish family. he grew up in Israel and since 2004 he is

Film program #8 – Making an image for oneself – Part 2: Insights into Outer Appearances: Cinematic Statements on the Visuality of Racism Program 8 / Part 2 / Friday, June 21, 2013, 7 p.m., Shedhalle Making an image for

Film program #8 – Making an image for oneself – Part 2: Insights into Outer Appearances: Cinematic Statements on the Visuality of Racism Program 8 / Part 2 / Friday, June 21, 2013, 7 p.m., Shedhalle Making an image for

Residency centre HIAP – Helsinki, International Artist Programme, Gallery Augusta: Paths crossing conference.
The Freedom of Speech: Perspectives in Contemporary Art in Europe conference will debate the burning issues of freedom of speech and freedom of expression in Europe. The conference will take place at Gallery Augusta on the island of Suomenlinna, Helsinki, on October

Residency centre HIAP – Helsinki, International Artist Programme, Gallery Augusta: Paths crossing conference.
The Freedom of Speech: Perspectives in Contemporary Art in Europe conference will debate the burning issues of freedom of speech and freedom of expression in Europe. The conference will take place at Gallery Augusta on the island of Suomenlinna, Helsinki, on October

ARTPORT TELAVIV is the new art arena of The Center for Young Art, a nonprofit organization founded by Mr. Jason Arison, Chairman of The Ted Arison Family Foundation. http://www.artportlv.org/ The Arison family has been a major supporter of the arts

ARTPORT TELAVIV is the new art arena of The Center for Young Art, a nonprofit organization founded by Mr. Jason Arison, Chairman of The Ted Arison Family Foundation. http://www.artportlv.org/ The Arison family has been a major supporter of the arts

Kontaktlinse I
Freiheit muss man schützen, „like an eagle saves his eggs“. Unter diesem Motto stand der zweitägige KAJUTO/ KONTAKTlinse-Workshop. Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge aus Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan sowie Uganda und deutsche Jugendliche tauchten gemeinsam ein in die kreative Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema

Kontaktlinse I
Freiheit muss man schützen, „like an eagle saves his eggs“. Unter diesem Motto stand der zweitägige KAJUTO/ KONTAKTlinse-Workshop. Unbegleitete minderjährige Flüchtlinge aus Somalia, Nigeria, Afghanistan sowie Uganda und deutsche Jugendliche tauchten gemeinsam ein in die kreative Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema