
Lesbian Art Crime
Lesbian Art Crime 2011 Czech TV, Queer magazine Director: Tamara Moyzes 26min. Get the Link

Lesbian Art Crime
Lesbian Art Crime 2011 Czech TV, Queer magazine Director: Tamara Moyzes 26min. Get the Link

Art of Feminism: Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality, 1857-2017
SuperMom Roma Kale Panthera Groupe: Tamara Moyzes and Vera Duždová – Horváthová, 2014 Tamara Moyzes practices what she calls “artivism”—art with activist intent intersectional interventions—in which she collaborates with other individuals and groups. When the first-ever quintuplets were born to

Art of Feminism: Images that Shaped the Fight for Equality, 1857-2017
SuperMom Roma Kale Panthera Groupe: Tamara Moyzes and Vera Duždová – Horváthová, 2014 Tamara Moyzes practices what she calls “artivism”—art with activist intent intersectional interventions—in which she collaborates with other individuals and groups. When the first-ever quintuplets were born to

“Protocol II” by Tamara Moyzes & Shlomi Yaffe Venue: Galeria Kombëtare e Arteve Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit Tiranë http://galeriakombetare.gov.al Date: 30.7 – 31.8.2015 EXERCISES ON DEMOCRACY: “Strategies and Tactics” curated by Lýdia Pribišová Artists: Anton Čierny, Pavlína Fichta Čierna, Iva

“Protocol II” by Tamara Moyzes & Shlomi Yaffe Venue: Galeria Kombëtare e Arteve Bulevardi Dëshmorët e Kombit Tiranë http://galeriakombetare.gov.al Date: 30.7 – 31.8.2015 EXERCISES ON DEMOCRACY: “Strategies and Tactics” curated by Lýdia Pribišová Artists: Anton Čierny, Pavlína Fichta Čierna, Iva

ROMA BODY POLITICS II. Archive of Desires
Tamara Moyzes: Etnológiai Múzeum I-III., Fotómontázs, 2015. Tamara Moyzes: Museum of Ethnology I-III., Photomontage, 2015. Apr 08, 2015 – May 09, 2015 Artists: Imre Bukta, Lada Gaziova, Tamara Moyzes, Csaba Nemes, Selma Selman Researching the photo archives of the Roma

ROMA BODY POLITICS II. Archive of Desires
Tamara Moyzes: Etnológiai Múzeum I-III., Fotómontázs, 2015. Tamara Moyzes: Museum of Ethnology I-III., Photomontage, 2015. Apr 08, 2015 – May 09, 2015 Artists: Imre Bukta, Lada Gaziova, Tamara Moyzes, Csaba Nemes, Selma Selman Researching the photo archives of the Roma

Cover Lover Tamara Moyzes: U hudby dám nejvíc na kamarády
„Nemyslím si, že bych byla hudební fajnšmekr nebo úplný profík na hudbu, proto si většinou muziku vybírám právě podle coverů a úplně nejvíc dám na svoje kamarády,“ říká slovensko-izraelská politická umělkyně, kurátorka a dokumentaristka Tamara Moyzes. Ve své tvorbě se

Cover Lover Tamara Moyzes: U hudby dám nejvíc na kamarády
„Nemyslím si, že bych byla hudební fajnšmekr nebo úplný profík na hudbu, proto si většinou muziku vybírám právě podle coverů a úplně nejvíc dám na svoje kamarády,“ říká slovensko-izraelská politická umělkyně, kurátorka a dokumentaristka Tamara Moyzes. Ve své tvorbě se

ARTIVISM at Galerie Kai Dikhas BERLIN
photo by Michal Šajmír The exhibition ARTIVISM (11.7.–9.8.2014) shows a political engaged and international artist. Tamara Moyzes produces video art, which is often presented in installation form. She is a political personality and is concerned with themes such as gender,

ARTIVISM at Galerie Kai Dikhas BERLIN
photo by Michal Šajmír The exhibition ARTIVISM (11.7.–9.8.2014) shows a political engaged and international artist. Tamara Moyzes produces video art, which is often presented in installation form. She is a political personality and is concerned with themes such as gender,

Last orgasm
This video was created in Israel as a response to political conflicts and the media situation in the country. A woman /the artist herself/ masturbates with a gas mask on her face. The video sequences of the body are intercalated

Last orgasm
This video was created in Israel as a response to political conflicts and the media situation in the country. A woman /the artist herself/ masturbates with a gas mask on her face. The video sequences of the body are intercalated